Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Holistic Sustainability encompasses an infinity of topics that make up its core. It's highly encouraged that any visitor to this site asks ANY question at any time, that anyone who wants to start a conversation of any related topic does so, and that no one at any time feels threatened or marginalized.

The following are some of the major topics that focus this Blog and will be discussed overtime. It is useful to note that in order for Holistic Sustainability to be achieved the Interlocking Systems of Oppression: Race, Culture, Ethnicity, Class, Gender, Sexuality, Religion, Spirituality, Age, Ability, Appearance, Environment and Specie, must be understood, illuminated, and defeated.

-Social Movements
-Religious and/or Spiritual Tolerance
-Social Stratification
-Ecosystem Health: Wildlife Habitat Protection
-Water Quality and Privatization of Water
-Oceanic Health; Trash Island
-Food Politics
-Climate Change: Climate Justice, Air Quality, Energy Policy, Renewable Energy, Appropriate Technology
-Land Use:Development, Preservation, Conservation
-Activism: Innumerable forms such as efforts to defeat mountain top removal coal mining to the protection of Indigenous Peoples Sacred Sites
-Non-Violence (Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Cesar Chavez) vs. Pacifism vs. Armed Resistance for Peace(Malcolm X, Zapatistas)
- Coexistence
-Food Not Bombs; http://www.foodnotbombs.net/
-Indigenous Resistance to Colonization and Neo-Colonialism
-Mountains, Tourism and Fresh Water
-Nuclear Power, War and Weapons
-Mainstream or Traditional Environmentalism vs. Sustainable Environmentalism

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