If you remain neutral during times of injustice and oppression, then you too have chosen the side of injustice and the oppressor. Today is not a holiday to celebrate genocide, imperialism, and colonization. It is a day to celebrate Indigenous people across the world.
Transform Columbus Day!
- Columbus is responsible for the murder of millions of indigenous people.
- Columbus was a slavetrader in Africa before invading America. He began the slave trade in the Americas. He deserves no holiday, no parades, no statues.
- Columbus Day celebrates the doctrine of discovery – the legal process that stole Indian people's territories, and that continues today.
- Columbus brought a philosophy of domination to the Americas that persists today – domination of other peoples, domination of the environment, domination of other belief systems, domination of women by men (http://www.transformcolumbusday.org/).
A timeless piece to be shared and shared again by the Zinn Education Project:
Time to Abolish Columbus Day
Do what you can to decolonize, promote justice, and act in solidarity each and every day!!