Thursday, May 2, 2013

Don't wait until the next "May Day" to honor Immigrant and Labor Rights

Yesterday, known internationally as "May Day", thousands of people marched and performed other acts of solidarity to show support for the rights of the working class as well as immigrants. In the US, major marches in New York, Seattle, Los Angeles, and a host of other locales spoke to the need for justice driven immigration reform and fair, equitable rights for the greater labor force.

While this annual day of solidarity is vastly important to infuse the conscious collective with an understanding of the discrimination many feel under a racially biased, capitalistic labor system, this important day must fuel the next 364 days of action. There are so many struggles across the globe, in Bangladesh, in the US, in your home town-all must be fought. This fight is as essential to the lasting implementation of sustainability across the social, political, environmental and economic landscape as any.

Don't let this one day be the only day where this is on your mind. Educate yourself on the multifaceted issues associate with the movement for immigrant and workers rights. Find your place within the struggle and act! Links to media coverage on yesterday's events:  

(love the title on this one!) See for full course schedule